DKA | Quality Policy



DKA have operated a Quality Management System (QMS) since becoming an early adopter of BS 5750 back in 1994. Our QMS is now completely integrated into the way the practice works and embedded into our comprehensive electronic Information Management System (IMS). This automates administration and correspondence for our projects and services. We have now achieved LRQA accreditation under the new ISO 9001:2015 standard which replaces the outgoing 2008 version at the end of September 2018.


The Directors and senior staff at DKA (Management) are committed to an Environmental Policy with the following Objectives:

  •  To enhance our environmental performance.
  •  To protect the environment and prevent pollution.
  •  To continually review our performance and implement improvements to enhance our environmental performance.
  •  To communicate our Environmental Policy to staff and relevant interested parties as appropriate.
  •  To ensure that our services meet applicable statutory and regulatory obligations.
  •  To maintain documented assurance of a consistent and professional approach.

To ensure that we meet these Objectives we operate an Environmental Management System (EMS) that meets the requirements of ISO 14001:2015.


Many of our clients, in both public and private sectors, are requiring increasingly robust measures to be taken by their consultants to safeguard their information. The introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in May 2018 will further focus minds on data security.  To meet these demands we operate an Information Security Policy that sits alongside the QMS and have attained Cyber Essentials Plus. Therefore, our clients are assured that our cyber security has been verified by independent experts.

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