DKA | Studio | Services | DQI | David Yeates and Andy Batty


Design Quality Indicators (DQI) is a consultation process involving a broad range of stakeholders in developing a brief, assessing a design, and reviewing a completed project. The DQI assessment tool involves a wide range of criteria against which a design is assessed. The criteria are divided into three main groups: Functionality, Build Quality and Impact.

DQI requires a series of workshops which are run by an independent Facilitator, trained by the Construction Industry Council in London, to oversee the process and advise on appointments. A detailed report is prepared for the client by the Facilitator at the end of each stage. The report provides details of findings and recommendations for further improvement where it is required.

Senior Architect, Andy Batty, brings to the process five years as a DQI Facilitator. He is an excellent communicator and listener, has the leadership abilities needed to chair such an event, and the analytical skills to ensure the final report is useful, informative and impartial. He enjoys the role and brings an amicable enthusiasm to the process: all excellent qualities to have in a stakeholder consultation facilitator.